poésie hivernale
Je ne sais pas ce qu'il en est chez vous, mais ici, le poème ci-dessous de Nancy Chambers est pleinement d'actualité !
Forecast: Winter Storm
Shovel handy, boots by door,
Let It Snow, Snow, Snow
Snowed all day long
Winter Season has begun,
The land is turned white
Snow came silently
Fell all day, turned Earth to a
Winter Wonderland
While waiting for Spring
Snow transformed the land to
a white fantasy
Snow came in the night
Turned the whole world white
A cold wintry site
The Blizzard Wizard
Waved His wand, crystal stardust fell
And ice fairies danced
Snow falling today
Creative juices flowing
Writer’s Block is gone
Shovel handy, boots by door,
Let It Snow, Snow, Snow
Snowed all day long
Winter Season has begun,
The land is turned white
Snow came silently
Fell all day, turned Earth to a
Winter Wonderland
While waiting for Spring
Snow transformed the land to
a white fantasy
Snow came in the night
Turned the whole world white
A cold wintry site
The Blizzard Wizard
Waved His wand, crystal stardust fell
And ice fairies danced
Snow falling today
Creative juices flowing
Writer’s Block is gone
Pour voir quelques photos de la neige tombée ces derniers jours en Suisse romande, vous pouvez cliquer sur le site de la RTS
(publié en 2010 sur le site Poemhunter.com)
(photo : site Jura Tourisme)